New website launch & release of the Zappkit

The past weeks we have been engulfed in rolling out this website in tandem with releasing the Z-Amplifier and therefore the Zappkit to the public. Yes, the Zappkit is now available for public use!

Ever since we set off on this journey in 2014 we have been working towards this day. It’s here. We’ve reached our first of many huge milestones. To get here has been quite rocky, having gone through being torn apart by local tabloid journalists to being flat out robbed hundreds of thousands of dollars meant for the buildup of this company, we’ve been able to thwart every attempt to make us falter and came out on the other end with something wonderful – the Zappkit.

We wouldn’t be here without the support of you – the community, and without the encouragement of the many Zappkit testers who have seen the benefits of the device in their own lives. We know first hand what it is capable of, and that is why it was so important for us to reach this point.

So what’s new? Well, you can now head over to the products section and purchase the Zappkit with accessories. We will also be offering many of the accessories sold separately or as part of different variants of the Zappkit. Keep close attention to the store as we will be announcing new products that will compliment the Zappkit and cater to the requests of some of the Zappkit tester users.

There is so much just around the corner that we’re super excited to share with you, but that will have to wait for the right moment, so as always, stay tuned.

-the Zappkit team.


  1. Do you need testers, I’ve got diabetes 2. I go to a clinical study in L.A. where they are researching
    PINAPPLE ENZYMES on slow healing wounds. I would love to be a part of Zapkit, I’m already a believer. I heard of RIFE HEALING many years ago from a klanmother name Karen.

    • Hi Anthony. Thank you for your interest. We’re currently not looking for testers. However you should stay tuned for the future, as opportunities may surface.

      • I am a convinced user of Zappkit.
        In several cases I had spectacular successes, healing as well as prevention.
        It is possible to heal a person with a picture only.
        Stick the electrodes on to portrait of the patient.
        Thus I saved the life of a friend in intensive care suffering of antibiotics resistency. He was 800 kms away.
        Rife and Zappkit are miraculous.
        Thank you.

        • Thank you for the positive comment! Please review the manual of the Zappkit to confirm proper use of the device.

        • Hi Johannes. That’s amazing. Thanks for sharing your experience. Did you try digital pic (.jpeg, .png etc.) also? I thought only DNA remote device is required for remote treatment AND some kind of dna sample (nail, hair..) is also needed.

  2. Great machine and fantastic customer service. My Zappkit stopped charging and Matthias happily exchanged. I highly recommend this machine, easy and simple to use. I use an old Android phone as the frequency source (download the app via Wifi) and it is good to go.

  3. Answer to Sam: I just stick the sensors to the PC screen showing the pic of the patient.. Somebody tried it successfully with just full name and date of birth on a note pad.

    The Zappkit device and app is extremely efficient. I can say I saved more than one life. I use it via the photo of the patient (in a distant hospital). Two cases of postop serious infections.

    Bone regeneration was also very successful after a serious shoulder fracture.

    With cancer treatment it is more difficult and I have no experience yet. You have to ask permission of the patient and should not interfere with hospital treatment.

    I use it regularly for prevention (Arteriosclerosis).

    We (me and some friends) hope on further progress also with the hardware and user manual.
    The App is always making progress with the health issues mentioned. German language definition is desirable.

    Great thanks to the Zappkin Team

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