About Us
Our company was founded on the belief that all people deserve opportunities to take control of their personal well-being. We strive to discover new and innovative means to nurture the human spirit and inspire a sense of self-reliance in those seeking to improve their way of life.
Our Journey
Our company has been striving to reach where we are today for quite some time. Every journey has its ups and downs, and ours is no different. Learn about our journey…
Dawn of a new beginning
Allt Hitt ehf. The company behind Zappkit was founded.
The conception of Zappkit
The idea behind Zappkit was first formed and developed by the original three founders of Allt Hitt ehf.
The birth of Zappkit
2. June, Z-App and Z-Amplifier development begins.
24. December, the first version of Z-App is released on Google Play store.
The year of progress.
15. January , the first Z-Amplifier tester is delivered.
7. July, the first Zappkit website begins development.
Allt Hitt is targeted by local media.
Operations cease for a period after consequent financial struggles.
A clean slate
Development on the next iteration of the Z-Amplifier begins.
The comeback
27. January, development on Z-App 2.0.0 begins.
20. August, Z-App 2.0.0 is published
29. August, Z-App 2.1.0 is released
Zappkit becomes available again
19. March, the new Z-Amplifier testers become available.
11. May, the Z-App is released on Apple App Store.
Big Changes. Big moves
27. March, the full Zappkit is available for retail.
27. March, the new Zappkit website is published.
New facilities
2. April, Ground breaking of the new manufacturing facility.
Facilites Completed
29. November, Building inspected and certified.
Though our off grid self reliant facilities are built, they will become fully operational in 2024.
Where we are and where we are going
We have been working tirelessly to help you, and other like yourself. Our many goals, dreams, and aspirations are all geared towards that same objective. We intend to ensure that those goals will be reached so that you may reap the rewards.
In 2024 with the manufacturing plant having been finished much later than expected we aim to refocus our efforts on to scaling up and officially launching our affiliate program in the early part of the third quarter
Our hopes are to be fully operational with the new facilities office and manufacturing space in quarter three of 2024.