Patch Like a Pro: A Beginner’s Guide to Placing Your Zappkit’s Electrode Patches
Welcome to the first installment of the Zappkit Wellness Blog! We’re excited to help you get the most out of your Zappkit device, starting with a crucial aspect: electrode patch placement. Understanding how and where to place your patches is key to maximizing the benefits of frequency therapy.
Some Practical, but Critical, Tips Before You Get Started:
- Clean the Skin: Ensure the skin is clean and dry before applying the patches to improve conductivity and adherence.
- Avoid Sensitive Areas: DO NOT place patches on the head, neck, genitals, or spine to avoid discomfort or injury. It is not recommended to place patches on areas of the body with dense body hair.
- Secure Placement: Make sure the patches are firmly attached to avoid slipping during the session.
That being said, let’s dive in!
General Guidelines for Patch Placement
The electrode patches provided with your Zappkit are to be placed on both sides of the focus area at any given time. Here are some essential tips:
- Direct and Opposite Placement: Place one patch directly over the focus area and the other on the opposite side, ensuring the target area is between them. This setup allows the electrical current/frequency to travel through the area effectively.
- Avoid Side-by-Side Placement: Electricity travels the shortest path, so placing patches side by side won’t effectively target the desired area.
- Coverage Area: The frequencies administered usually cover an area about the size of a basketball. This means you don’t have to be perfectly precise, as a slightly off-target placement will still be effective.
Specific Patch Placements
Here’s how to place the patches for different areas and conditions:
- Head and Neck Areas: Place the patches on each shoulder, lateral to the head and neck.
- Body Imbalances: Place one patch on the bottom of each foot.
- Digestive System: Place a patch on each side of the waist.
- Reproductive Organs: Place one patch on the front of one hip and the other on the back of the opposite hip.
- Joint Issues: Place patches on opposite sides of the joint on a soft muscle area.
By following these guidelines, you can effectively use your Zappkit device to target various areas of the body, ensuring optimal benefits from your frequency therapy sessions. If you still aren’t sure about proper or effective patch placement, feel free to reach out to us via email or on our Facebook page and we’d be happy to help you out further.
Stay tuned! Remember, we publish new posts on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month.
PS: If you haven’t already, consider purchasing your own Zappkit device to start experiencing the benefits of frequency therapy firsthand. The Zappkit is now on SALE for the entire month of July for only $249! Visit our website to get your own portable rife machine!
Warmest Regards,
The Zappkit Team
Buongiorno, desidero sapere, se lo Zappkit, funziona anche in modo AUTONOMO dalla RETE ELETTRICA, cioè FUNZIONA CON BATTERIE RICARICABILI? grazie
Sì, lo Zappkit è progettato per funzionare solo con batterie ricaricabili. È pensato per permetterti di muoverti mentre ricevi frequenze.
How do place them if you have leukemia or blood cancer? I have the amplifier and have been using but I’ve just been placing them on my chest or my feet.
Hi Tracy, I’m not a doctor and do not fully understand your diagnosis, nor does the Zappkit claim to be able to treat, cure, or diagnose any diseases. That being said, as I understand it, leukemia and other blood cancers affect the entire bloodstream and bone marrow (where blood cells are produced), rather than a localized region. Since leukemia impacts multiple body systems—including the circulatory system (through blood flow), the immune/lymphatic system (which helps fight infection and clear toxins), and even the skeletal system (due to its connection to bone marrow)—a full-body approach may be helpful.
Given these assumptions are correct, here’s what I’d try:
1. Cross-Body Placement: Place one electrode on the right chest and the other on the left lower back (above the hip) to promote balanced flow across the torso.
2. Foot Placement: You could also place one electrode on each foot, which can support whole-body energy balance.
3. Upper and Lower Body Placement: Another option is placing one electrode on the upper back between the shoulder blades and the other on the lower abdomen to encourage circulation and lymphatic support.
Again, this is just a suggestion. Be sure to check with your healthcare provider to see if this fits with your care plan. I hope this helps, and I wish you all the best on your journey to wellness!