Your Best Detox Hack (And It’s Totally Free!)

Ever wondered what happens to all the “bad stuff” your body clears out during a Zappkit session? Spoiler alert: it doesn’t disappear on its own. Your lymphatic system is like your body’s personal waste management system, and frequency therapy gives it extra work to do. But this system only functions properly when you’re hydrated. Without water, toxins and waste hang around longer than they should, which leads to buildup of toxins and waste in your body. This can look like fatigue, sluggishness, headaches, inflammation, and even bloating. That being said, let’s talk about why your water bottle might just be your most powerful wellness tool.

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

What Happens During Frequency Therapy?

Frequency therapy is a branch of bioresonance therapy that uses gentle electromagnetic waves to help your cells restore their natural rhythm and get back to working in harmony. When things like stress, illness, or toxins throw your system out of balance, frequency therapy steps in to guide it back on track.

What the experts say: 

“Bioresonance therapy is a cutting-edge approach that uses electromagnetic waves to restore the body’s natural bioelectric balance and activate inherent self-healing mechanisms. It is steadily gaining recognition across diverse medical fields – ranging from allergology and neurology to metabolic disorders and oncology. Bioresonance therapy is based on the theory that any pathology in the body is associated with a change in the natural oscillations of cells, tissues or organs. With the help of special devices, these disorders can be detected and normal frequencies restored, which contributes to the harmonization of the functional state of the body.” Source

Here’s a way to picture it: Think of your lymphatic system as a river that carries away the trash—things like toxins and waste your body doesn’t need. During frequency therapy, this “trash” increases as harmful elements get broken down. But if the river isn’t flowing well, that trash piles up and causes blockages. This can lead to detox symptoms like fatigue, headaches, or sluggishness as we mentioned earlier.

What Your Lymphatic System Does About It

The lymphatic system relies on a clear fluid called lymph to transport all that waste. Lymph is made up of 96% water, with the remaining 4% being comprised of the proteins, cell debris, toxins and bacteria that need to be eliminated by the body. So if you aren’t drinking enough water, that waste is like a weight dragging through your body. 

Staying hydrated is the simplest way to keep things moving. By drinking enough water, you give your lymphatic system the support it needs to do its job efficiently. Plus, you’ll avoid those pesky detox symptoms that come with a sluggish system.

Here’s how to make hydration a natural part of your Zappkit routine:

  • Before Your Session: Drink a glass of water about 30 minutes before you start. This preps your body for all the action ahead.
  • After Your Session: Follow up with another glass of water to help flush out the waste your lymphatic system is working to eliminate.
  • Throughout the Day: While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, agood rule of thumb is to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day (not including the two before and after your frequency therapy sessions.

Listen to your body—if you feel thirsty, drink. If your sessions are longer or you’re dealing with something more intense, drink. If your urine looks a little too yellow, (or you haven’t “gone” all day), okay, I think you’ve got it. Just drink more water and your lymphatic system will thank you for the extra TLC!

P.S. Want an easy way to stay on top of your hydration and track your Zappkit sessions?

Download our free Wellness Tracker! It’s perfect for logging your energy, pain, focus levels, and even your water intake before and after each session. Take the guesswork out of your wellness journey—stay organized, stay hydrated, and feel your best!

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